A RESTORATIVE CIRCLE is a technique that builds and restores relationships through equal opportunity sharing and listening.

These talking circles proactively build the skills individuals need when conflicts arise because they give every individual the opportunity to speak and be heard.

Wellness Circle

 An opportunity for employees and other staff to do a real check-in. Often in corporate settings. check-ins are brief how are you?

  •  Wellness circle digs deeper: How are you physically, emotionally, and spiritually? We grow deeper as a team as well as interpersonal relationships with one another. Recognizing the human before the worker. 

Values Circle

We’re very good at setting business strategy, mission, and values; we often stop short of asking our employees what they value.

  • What missions are they drawn to?

  • What drives them to wake up in the morning?

  • What inspires them to push beyond their own limits?

Our values help shape us, and we need to understand what those are if we want to grow stronger as a unit. 

Safe(er) Space Circle

We colloquially speak about creating safe spaces. However, in our complex, multifaceted social-emotional society, it can be impossible to predict what can trigger someone.

This circle helps delve into some of our triggers and also provides the space for us to be real about what we are going through. We set group ground rules and guidelines to make this circle as safe as possible to express what’s on our hearts and minds. 

 When we open up our circle of care, we begin to authentically create the change we want to see in our Neighborhood, Community, and City.